Tuesday, 7 February 2017

The Social Hypocrites

Sitting back at my study table in the dorm room and watching the scenic beauty of the Aravali’s, a sudden thought flashed through my mind ” What could be the easiest thing to do being a so called social animal ?”
“Judging people”, A voice answered from within.
But judging and forming opinion are the same things. Right ?
Pondering upon the situation I realized, “No, they are not”.
We often form an opinion of someone or somebody after having a personal interaction or a personal encounter, but we judge a person by what we hear about them without even trying to know how much of that is even true.
We often judge people with the way they dress up, their sexuality, their boldness, their smoking and drinking habits, never ever trying to know, what kind of person at heart he really is.
I’ve been judged over a hundred of times from being called “NOT A GOOD GIRL” to “DESPERATE”.
And the worst part of all is that they never ever had a one on one conversation with me and still they know me much much better than I know myself or for the sake my friends and family know me.
I can’t say it does not bother me at all because at times it does as at the end of the day even I have feelings but after a period of time I really don’t care.
But the best part of all, as one of my friends always tells me is that, these social hypocrites are giving ten precious minutes of their lives to us which they would have easily used for their own good.
They listen something else, they understand something else and then they vomit completely something else. And certain things they say doesn’t even make sense at all. Breakup over a paneer. Really ?
I remember an instance when one of my friends came up to me commenting about someone else’s short skirt completely forgetting what she herself was wearing at that point of time. Sometimes these double standards really gets on my nerves.
We never know what a person has actually gone through, what has made them the way they are today and they certainly don’t need your sympathy but the best one can do is stop judging. It’s not that hard.
Our own lives are not perfectly smooth and still we have the audacity to poke our nose in someone else’s life and judging them giving them one more reason to overthink. Don’t lower down your level to a point from where it becomes really difficult for you to make a comeback.

Reasons They Give


Her skirt was the reason they said,
Then why was the one in saree got raped???
She incited him they said,
Then why was the eleven months old got raped???
She was out in the dark they said,
Then why was the one at home got raped???
She was out with the boy they said,
Then why was the one with parents got raped???

It’s not about the skirt,
It’s not about incitation,
It’s not about day and night,
It’s not about the place,
But it’s all about the mindsets that got raped……

Behind The Closed Doors


Behind the closed doors
A heart was crying,
The walls of the dorm
saw the teary eyes.

A heart was wrenching
for an unheard voice,
the cage of the sufferings
was not her choice.

The ceaseless lips
are sealed now,
And the hopeless eyes resides more
Behind the closed doors.

Obsessed With Beauty


Beauty – often confused with the fairer skin tone leaving behind the actual notion related to the word.
Beauty as it is portrayed on the silver screen has actually nothing to do with the complexion of a person rather it lies in our imperfections. Beauty lies within our thoughts, in our soul, in our strengths and in our confidence.
The perfect jaw line, the perfect figure and the spotless skin all are transitory. And blue eyes actually don’t “hypnotize”.
We as a whole need to accept the fact that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. The stronger you are, the beautiful you are. We don’t have to be perfect to be called as beautiful.
Everytime you want to see someone beautiful just go and stand in front of a mirror with lots of confidence, the beauty resides there.
Beauty is your survival through tough times. Your efforts to make someone smile, to make them feel special is what makes you beautiful. From the next time when someone makes you feel ugly, just think of their inner beauty and the darker side of their heart.
And respect what you have because till the time you’ll not respect yourself, no one else ever will.

Dreams To Reality


In the midst of the dawn
I saw a dream,
A pair of swan,
In the lake of cream.

Far from the lives
Of inhumane acts,
fluttering their wings,
Just like the kings.

Kings of the lake
And the kings of their dreams,
Unaware of the nature
Of a modern Creature.

In the pair of Swan,
One was me
In search of thy
And woke up to the realm of the real sky.

Love - A Journey

Kahlil Gibran once said ” If you love someone, set them free, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don’t, they never were.”
Love is a beautiful journey, it’s a beautiful feeling. When you are in love you don’t find any difference between the dawn and the dusk. Love never pulls you down, it always takes out the best in you. You discover a whole new person in yourself.
If you fail in love, don’t regret it as you still have an album of beautiful memories that both of you created together. Those hugs, those kisses, those fights, those late night calls and everything else.
Love is not something that we see in movies but believe me it is much more than that. Love is caring, love is sacrifice, love is you and your partner, love is trust and love is thirst.
Every love story is unique in it’s own way and trust me its really really hard to fall in love and fall out of love. But nobody knows, maybe the person whom you hate the most today is the same person whom you will love the most tomorrow. He might be the same person with whom you will have your first kiss, your first hug and what not.
You don’t have to wait for love to happen. It will automatically make it’s own way to your heart at the right time, at the right place with the right person. Don’t stop yourself from falling in love for love is an experience. A whole new set of emotions. It makes you a stronger person altogether. Your perspective towards life and love changes once you fall in love.
It beautifully paints your life. Don’t be afraid of thinking of what future holds for you instead live in the present and make every moment memorable so that you don’t regret tomorrow.
Hold his hand, kiss him, hug him, go for walks, make funny faces, talk out the stupidest things possible for he’ll never judge you. Welcome love in your life and in your heart with open arms as it will definitely make you a better person with an experience of lifetime.

Dear Dad

Dad - A synonym of love, trust, care and faith. It's not just a word but a whole world in itself. It is said " dad is a son's first hero and a daughter's first love".
Dad you never said it but I know how much you love me. It is something which can't be expressed in words but can be seen in your eyes. ALWAYS.
You are the only person in my life who can read my face perfectly, who can see the sadness behind my smile, the hollowness inside me through my eyes.
People often call me an egoist but they don't know that there is a very thin line between the ego and pride. I like the stars, not in the sky but on your shoulders and every time I see them there, I become the proudest daughter ever.
Walking down the aisle with you is something which I've always dreamt of. I know one day I'm gonna leave your house but I'm never gonna leave your heart, not just because I'm your daughter but because I promise one day you'll be proud of me.
This life is a cycle and aging an unstoppable process. The time of your life when you'll get those wrinkles, when you won't be able to see things properly, when you'll need a support to walk. I promise, I'll be there with you in your second childhood just like a caring mother.
There is so much that I've learnt from you and there's nothing better I could have asked for but you.
You made me realize that there is a lot of difference in calling someone their princess and actually showing them with your actions. You're the only one who never said it but always made me feel like a princess time and again.
I won't forget the hard work and dedication that you've put in to help me reach where I'm today, the kind of person I am. You didn't just gave me a name but an identity to build upon.
The love that you've showered upon me, the way you took care of me since my birth is just incomparable. I might hold somebody's hand tomorrow but will never leave yours because I know, the sun may rise from the west but no matter what you'll always be there by my side without any questions.
Thank you dad for the trust that you have on me, for the unconditional love. I never said it but I LOVE YOU.