Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Dear Dad

Dad - A synonym of love, trust, care and faith. It's not just a word but a whole world in itself. It is said " dad is a son's first hero and a daughter's first love".
Dad you never said it but I know how much you love me. It is something which can't be expressed in words but can be seen in your eyes. ALWAYS.
You are the only person in my life who can read my face perfectly, who can see the sadness behind my smile, the hollowness inside me through my eyes.
People often call me an egoist but they don't know that there is a very thin line between the ego and pride. I like the stars, not in the sky but on your shoulders and every time I see them there, I become the proudest daughter ever.
Walking down the aisle with you is something which I've always dreamt of. I know one day I'm gonna leave your house but I'm never gonna leave your heart, not just because I'm your daughter but because I promise one day you'll be proud of me.
This life is a cycle and aging an unstoppable process. The time of your life when you'll get those wrinkles, when you won't be able to see things properly, when you'll need a support to walk. I promise, I'll be there with you in your second childhood just like a caring mother.
There is so much that I've learnt from you and there's nothing better I could have asked for but you.
You made me realize that there is a lot of difference in calling someone their princess and actually showing them with your actions. You're the only one who never said it but always made me feel like a princess time and again.
I won't forget the hard work and dedication that you've put in to help me reach where I'm today, the kind of person I am. You didn't just gave me a name but an identity to build upon.
The love that you've showered upon me, the way you took care of me since my birth is just incomparable. I might hold somebody's hand tomorrow but will never leave yours because I know, the sun may rise from the west but no matter what you'll always be there by my side without any questions.
Thank you dad for the trust that you have on me, for the unconditional love. I never said it but I LOVE YOU.

1 comment:

  1. U should really tell this to ur Dad he will be very very happy from u.
